July 10, 2024


We were invited to the Moofest in Singapore last weekend. This is the second year that Moomoo SG hosted Moofest, their annual flagship event, with a lineup of insightful talks, panel sessions, and all things investing & trading related, with experts from each the SG, JPN, HK, and NASDAQ stock exchange present at the event. Having

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Moofest 2024: Moomoo’s ultimate flagship event

June 26, 2024


It has came to our attention that fake accounts are posing as Beyond Insights or Kathlyn recently, we have already reported them to Meta and the local authorities. Here are a few things to help you identify the real us v.s. them: We will always only use “Beyond Insights” official page, email, and WhatsApp channel

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Scammers Alert ⚠️Fake pages and accounts posing as Beyond Insights

February 14, 2024


We hosted our first-ever Symposium recently, which gathered over 420 like-minded people who went through 8 hours of content at MITEC, Kuala Lumpur! This symposium marks a major milestone as we commemorate Beyond Insights’ 15th Anniversary and establish ourselves as thought leaders in the industry. The Symposium began with Kathlyn, our founder & chief trainer

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420 Attendees Left with Valuable Trading Wisdom at Beyond Insights Symposium

January 6, 2024


The 6th of January 2024 marked a special day in the history of Beyond Insights as we celebrated 15 years of establishment.  Our students, coaches and trainers, staffs from past and present came together to commemorate this special moment. Our gratitude goes to all who attended, and through your support we have managed to raise

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Beyond Insights celebrated 15 Years of Excellence with the alumni

December 8, 2023


Many traders & investors will often miss the stock market wave because the world today is changing at such a fast pace and most people are too busy to pay enough attention to the signals. By the time that they are aware, the wave is already above them… We have seen and benefited from the

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Catch The Next Stock Market Wave with us at Beyond Insights 2024 Symposium!

November 30, 2023


Beyond Insights is featured in The Star as we celebrated our 15th year of establishment. In the article – our founder Kathlyn Toh reiterates the company’s commitment to empowering traders and investors to be versatile enough to navigate these fluctuations successfully. “We understand that volatility in the stock market is not a passing phase; it’s

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More than a decade of empowering traders to navigate market volatility with versatility.

October 27, 2023


Did you know that, in the U.S., only 25% of businesses will survive 15 years and beyond? (Investopedia, 2022). We are blessed to have reached this major milestone, and are celebrating our 15th Anniversary this year with a few festivities. This year we are celebrating ‘Excellence’, because Beyond Insights started out with Kathlyn’s passion and

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Beyond Insights Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence

October 19, 2023


Does stock market short courses really work? 很多人想要透过股市投资赚钱时,第一时间都会想要参加投资课程。但是这些所谓的投资速成班,在我们 CEO Terence Teoh 看来却远远不足。他认为投资是一门深奥的学问,绝非短短数日就能完全掌握的。究竟怎样才能算是全面且完善的股市投资教育? Our CEO, Terence Teoh, when interviewed by ShangHai Business Media, discussed about the viability of “short courses” in stock market investing and trading.  From his point of view – short courses, although serving a purpose of its own, is not sufficient for one

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股市投资教育课程速成班… 真的可行吗?

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