Trading the market with the wrong style is like attempting to row a boat with a tennis racket: it's inefficient, frustrating, and bound to leave you going in circles.

Using the right trading style according to your objectives and lifestyle matters. 

There are 4 main trading styles, each with a different time horizon and strategy -investing 📈, trend trading 📈📉, swing trading ⏭️, and intraday trading ⏰. 

Investing is a long term strategy focusing on the bigger picture, holding their positions 3 years or more.

While trend traders focus on a trend, and typically hold their positions for a few months up to a year.

Swing traders and intraday traders on the other hand focus on the shorter term price actions, over a few days/weeks, and within the day.

Mastering these different trading styles requires a different capacity. 

Your personality, time commitment, lifestyle and expected returns will affect your mastery of the trading style.

Hence choosing one that is most suitable for you according to your current stage of life is important so that you can master and excel in it. Use this 5 minute Trading Style Matching tool to find out which trading style is likely suitable for you.

We have developed this tool to evaluate your unique characteristics and identifies the ideal trading style suited to your personality, preferences, and risk tolerances. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, our comprehensive evaluation provides valuable insights to guide your trading journey and help you make informed decisions. 

Finding the right trading style is crucial for success in the financial market. Let our tool guide you towards a trading style that suits you best, and achieve the success you've always wanted. 😎